Winter (Frostbite) (12-23-2019)

The Winter Solstice is upon us, and the year is in its dark half.

Days and sunlight have been steadily waning,

while the moon gains power and the long nights reign supreme.

I am like that tonight heavy darkness inside.

I wish to cut like ice

Burn like the cold

To be filled with anything other than this nothing.

I want to scream like the wind

And fell cities like fallen snow.

Why can’t you understand that sometimes I am Winter?

Still and dark and sleeping and alone,

My blood a frozen river,

My nails clawing like naked branches,

My teeth need to tear flesh like the sound of crunching snow.

I want to bite at you like the frost,

Make your breath pour hot into the air like a dragon,

Get your cheeks red.

But you can’t take the heat of me,

So, I only hibernate.

And it hurts.

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